Desigest ✦ Quotes from Nomadlist's founder. Ray Dalio. New app for meetings, extension to reduce stress and more
This week in Desigest:
Few great quotes from my little research on the founder of Nomadlist and many others.
Changing world order - high level explanation and a great graphical video, very easy to follow. On the state of empires, measuring it, predicting the fall, and more. (Ray Dalio)
A few cool products, new app for meetings, chrome extension to help with stress with small exercises during work day and with simple mood tracker. (also great product design)
This week I'm also traveling to Valencia and was surprised to find out it's a World Design Capital in 2022: city has multiple art shows and installations going on, was being designed for hundreds of years and has a lot of famous architects, interior designers and other designers :)
Alright, let's dive into it 👇
Product news ✦
Shopify Editions, Summer 2022 A collection of product updates across all of Shopify
Interesting findings ✦
Pieter Levels is not interested in doing interviews. Unless it’s for Indie Hackers
✦ Last week I was casually browsing web after work and got a notification that @levelsio is in town and how many interests we're matching 😂
So then I stumbled upon his interview to IH which has some amazing advice in there, take this piece for example, about writing to a popular per:
The most important thing is to be empathetic. Put yourself in their shoes.
Before I started IH, I didn't know anyone, and nobody knew me. I DM'd Pieter, and actually got him to agree to support IH and be one of our first interviewees, even though he told me he doesn't do interviews.
Obviously he's a popular guy, which means he gets a ton of DMs, and doesn't have a lot of time. So I kept my message short. It was like 3 sentences long, maybe less. I didn't send him my life story. It wouldn't have been respectful of his time.
Also, in my experience, 99.5% of messages are people asking for help. Only .05% are people offering help. So instead of just asking Pieter to do an interview, I put together a "fake" interview by clipping together things he'd already said elsewhere, and asked if I could publish that. Instead of requesting work, I did the work to promote him and then requested permission to publish. Of course he was all for it.
Another one:
Most creators struggle with no customers.
Creating a repeatable and scalable flow of leads that can be converted into paying customers usually involves making a great product that solves a need, ranking on Google for it, maybe buy ads. If that funnel works you have a good business.
I personally recommend the focus for makers to be on creating that funnel, instead of getting distracted with messages.
Changing world order
Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order by Ray Dalio
Products ✦
Beau 2.0 Automate workflows for repetitive customer-facing tasks
Superblocks Save 100s of hours building internal apps, workflows & jobs
Run better meetings
✦ Second or third app for meetings I saw this week
HUMANS Discover jobs in web3 and get paid for recommending a friend
Breathhh Personal mental shield against stress and anxiety
Create AI presenter-led videos on the fly
Learn Spanish with memes
HotPizza Fun & easy virtual team building in Slack
How to survive a global recession as a UI/UX designer | by Vasil Nedelchev | Jun, 2022 | Medium — You had better prepare for it if you don’t want to end up unpleasantly surprised by your clients or employer. If you do so, you can turn this into an opportunity instead of a survival situation…
Thank you!
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